their family, their world has changed forever. They may have loved their abuser and the abuser has turned the relationship into something sadistic and cruel. The victim of abuse is likely to feel very confused. How can they sort out the feelings of affection that they have for their abuser with the sick and disgusting act that was done to them. Feelings that result from abuse should not be buried away. As painful as it is, victims must talk about their experience and share their pain with others. Finding meaning in suffering is the road to healing.
" I have not fully forgiven her for her lack of her protection in my childhood years, and I hold a lot of anger toward her not believing me when she found out about my father. I mean think about it she knew he was molesting me before the actual rape occurred.... if she had just stopped him from being alone with me.... just MAYBE?? Or even gave me some survival skills, such as... say NO and run!" Deanna asks herself How does one get over being sexually abused by 20 perpetrators? Raped at the age of 7 by her own father? I don't know how without doing a lot of therapy!
Life after abuse...Deanna made her a drug addict,abuser of alchohol,shoplifter and a binger. she suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. but now she sees two therapists and have became clean and takes it one day at a time. She is a renewed child of God and sets boundries in her life. She is not "Road Kill". Deanna said the good news is that she is not the blame for her own demise but her abusers are solely to blame! no matter if the abuse wasn't violent and it felt good. God made the female body to love the person of her choosening and even though she didnt choose the man to take her precious gift from God. Her soul was still pure. The Devil can use this world to conflict pain on our bodies and even kill us but our souls are from God and it can never be taken.Even though she would mentually withdraw from the world but she was living in God.Abuse... It's something that is only too common in today's society.And is something that more people need to be aware of ... “There'a a phrase, "the elephant in the living room", which purports to describe what it's like to live with a drug addict, an alcoholic, an abuser. People outside such relationships will sometimes ask, "How could you let such a business go on for so many years? Didn't you see the elephant in the living room?" And it's so hard for anyone living in a more normal situation to understand the answer that comes closest to the truth; "I'm sorry, but it was there when I moved in. I didn't know it was an elephant; I thought it was part of the furniture." There comes an aha-moment for some folks - the lucky ones - when they suddenly recognize the difference.”
I have not fully forgiven her for her lack of her protection in my childhood years, and I hold a lot of anger toward her not believing me when she found out about my father. I mean think about it she knew he was molesting me before the actual rape occurred.... if she had just stopped him from being alone with me.... just MAYBE?? Or even gave me some survival skills, such as... say NO and run!
I asked Deanna questions to further our education on sexual,mental and verbal abuse.
~If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be? Give it to GOD, it was the hardest lesson I ever had to learn, and understand, but when I did... boy did it ALL come together. She replied.
If you could have a room full of any one thing, what would it be? My children... they are the gift from God that gave me the strength I needed to heal.
What do you value most in other people? Their stories, their strength, and their happiness.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? well first thing that comes to mind is my mother, I wish I could change who I was born too, but I cant she is mentally unstable and incapable of empathy or protection of her own children... I now know that I can never change that about her! or me. I have to accept who my mother is, and accept that I can not change her.
If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on to your children, what would it be? BE STRONG and NEVER GIVE UP!!! that is the personality trait I hope my children pick up from me. my diligence and desire to know that NO MATTER WHAT!! WE HAVE TO KEEP GOING.
What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? Loving a REAL man, a leader, a godly man rather than a man looking to me mothered... the one thing I knew I could handle...
Would you rather teach a young child to read or have to learn again for yourself? teach!!! its what god put me on this earth to do
What is the best advice you've ever given and received? Given: Get therapy, with a therapist of your faith! Received: Give it to God
Favorite song~ Brad Paisley, If i could change the world.
What is your biggest fear, except for spiders? Death of a child, or failing one of my children. My mother failed me as a child and as an adult.
What are the most important 3 things in your life? Love (jesus, family, and friends)18. Life - after 2 years of intense therapy life is so worth living!! Laughter - so much joy in the world, without laughter it just wouldn't be worth it!
what was the turning point to help you overcome your abuse? she said therapy with a christian therapy once a week and group therapy once a week, all with GODS word intertwined. I could NOT have done it without GODS LOVE, and finally realizing that god didnt do this to me, I was SO ANGRY at God for so long, for how could a loving God let and innocent child be molested by 19 perps and raped by her own father at the tender age of 7. Once I realized that it was ONLY the lords love that could ever help me find the PEACE that I so needed. It was evil & wicked men did this too me, SATAN!!
Only gods will and his love could heal such a traumatic trauma, thats what healed me... that helped me find the light to peace, love, and harmony. I was so messed up for so many years. I never thought Iwould ever be in this place to see that the lord loves me and would never put me in harms way.... the way I thought he did. GOD LOVES ME!!! and I LOVE HIM and he has given me peace, harmony, and a chance at happiness by finding forgiveness. Sounds crazy, forgiving this horrible pathetic evil perpetrators that harmed our innocent SOULS, but that is what gave me peace!
Deanna has come along way but the pain is still very real. As my self I know Deanna's pain also because I am a survivor! Gods Rehab means different things to different people but for me i'm not trapped in the dark anymore and God did that. Instead of drug rehab get help. I'm just letting go and let God.
If you or you know anyone who wants to share their survivors skills. Please send me a email at:

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thank you for showing support,
Gods Rehab(shannon harrison)
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